We are so excited to announce our featured roasters for our opening menu!

If you're not familiar with how our coffee program works, we have 3 separate "seats" that represent Snohomish County, the Pacific Northwest, and the nation/world. To choose these seats, we invite roasters to send us at least three coffees to consider for our menu. We then receive coffees from roasters from all over the world (which was a lot!), we then assign a roaster ID to each roaster (the identity of which only we and the roasters know), then attach a number to each coffee they sent us up to 5, then blindly arrange and taste them. While we are tasting these, we grade them on a scale from 0-10 with 5 being average, with 10 total characteristics receiving a 1-10 score. The total of those qualities are then added together for each coffee, and the roaster's score is derived by finding the average of all of their coffees. We then choose the highest scoring roaster for each seat from these scores, and voilá! we have managed to sort through some of the best roasters across the world to find beautiful coffees to serve to you!

We are so excited to announce that in addition to serving coffees from Spotted Cow and Velton's Coffee (our Snohomish County roasters), we will be serving coffees from...


Camber Coffee out of Bellingham, WA filling our Pacific Northwest Regional spot and Quills Coffee, out of Louisville, KY taking the National/International spot!  


For those of you who are either roasters or numbers people, here is our brand new cupping form. After taking it for a spin, it's clear that we'll need to make some adjustments to the overall system, but we are SO excited about pioneering this tool that will help us ensure you're getting the best coffee possible, every time. 

